What do the NCC 2022 changes mean for me?


Recently, you may have heard more frequently what is commonly referred to as ‘NCC’.  ‘NCC’ is an acronym of National Construction Code which essentially governs all building requirements for new homes in Australia.

As Australia works towards the goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050 and our population ages, changes to how we build our homes will be reflected in the NCC.

These changes not only come with new design requirements but also additional mandatory inclusions and are effective from the 1st October 2024. 


01. Livable Housing

Provisions will need to be accommodated in all home designs to allow people to live in their home longer. 

02. Energy Efficiency

Minimum energy efficiency requirements lifting from 6 Star to 7 Star rating.

03. Condensation

Requirements for the management of condensation will be implemented to improve the quality of the living environment. 


How much more will it cost me?

Price increases as a result of NCC changes will be specific to your home design, location and orientation on your allotment. These price increases will be applicable to all South Australian home builders and will come into effect for Weeks Homes from July 1st 2024.

How much time do I have?

Time is critical if it is your intention to avoid the cost implications of the NCC changes. It is important to recognise that the implementation date of the 1st October 2024 does not mean you have until that date to deposit. In actual fact you will need to have undertaken a number of stages in your build journey and have lodged a development application and paid fees by 1st October 2024. 





How much will the plan I liked change?

The livability requirements are quite specific and will apply to all new home builds (other than exempt allotments). They are simplified as follows:


Accessibility to the home: 
•     Standard front entry door width increased to 920mm. 
•    A step free access point into the dwelling to assist those with mobility challenges.

Internal features:
•    Internal doors increased from the standard 820mm to 870mm to allow improved accessibility. 
•    Step free access to at least one shower must be included. This requires a fully frame-less shower screen with no hob (a barrier to prevent water overflow). 
•    Re-enforcement of wet area walls for future grab rails. 
•    One toilet to have a clear circulation space of 900 x 1200mm at the front edge of the toilet pan.


Whilst these may seem like simple changes, the cost implications of such changes need to be considered. A good example is the inclusion of a frame-less shower screen to achieve a stepless entry to at least one shower. Such an inclusions requires the following:

•    Slab set down 
•    Additional waterproofing requirements
•    Tiler to screed entire floor area to achieve grades and step free entry to shower
•    Shower screen in compliant wet area to be frameless in lieu of previous standard framed screen
•    Strip grate added to shower in lieu of previous standard centre grate

What energy requirements will be necessary?

The approach to reaching a 7 star energy rating or 7 star equivalent on your home will be specific to your design and location. However, you should expect that any of the following may be required:

•    Additional insulation requirements 
•    Wall wrap 
•    Glazing upgrades
•    Solar panels.


The following design considerations may also need to be addressed, specific to your location and home:

•    Position and sizing of glazing
•    Size of eaves
•    Position of alfresco
•    Orientation of home
•    External Colours


What exactly is ‘Condensation Management’ and what is required?


The management of condensation is intended to improve the home environment by removing residual moisture and avoiding future hazards it may cause. The following will be required:

•    Ducting all rangehoods and exhaust fans direct to outside air rather than ventilated roof space

•    Where a WC or wet area doesn’t have access to a window or door to the outside, mechanical ventilation must be 
    controlled to turn on when the lights in the room are turned on. They are also required to continue to operate for 10 
    minutes after the lights are turned off (...yes even in the middle of the night!)

•    Changes to minimum vapour permeance ratings of wall wrap specific to Climate Zone

•    Additional requirements to ventilate roof space through additional eave vents and whirly birds


Do these NCC changes apply to every build?


There are some exemptions that relate specifically to your allotment.

Allotments 10m or less
1. If the allotment had a land division lodged prior to January 1st 2024 and is 10m or less it does not need to meet the Livable Housing or Energy requirements of NCC 2022.

2. If the allotment has a title deposited before October 1st 2024 and is 10m or less it does not need to meet the Livable Housing or Energy requirements of NCC 2022.

Irregular shaped allotment <300m2
1. If the allotment had a land division lodged prior to January 1st 2024 and is Irregular shaped and under 300m2 it does not need to meet the Livable Housing or energy requirements of NCC 2022.

2. If the allotment has a title before October 1st 2024 and is Irregular shaped and under 300m2 it does not need to meet the Livable Housing or energy requirements of NCC 2022.

3. If the allotment is zoned Master Planned Neighbourhood Zone within the Mount Barker District Council it does not need to meet the 7-star energy efficiency requirements of NCC 2022

All exemptions listed above still must include provisions for future grab rails and condensation management 






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1800 493 357

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