Home upgrades that are totally worth it

When working within a limited budget, you may find that you need to make compromises on the features you include in your new home. But the question is, which features can you save on, and which are worth spending a bit more to ensure you’re happy with the finished product for years to come? We’ve compiled a list of items that you may want to consider:
Kitchen Benchtops
The kitchen is most often the heart of the home, and it’s where you’ll spend a lot of your time. For this reason, it can be a good idea to spend a little extra on this space. Kitchen benchtops are a large feature of any house, and therefore it is wise to choose a material that is hard-wearing and timeless – if you choose a countertop that is too trendy, your home will begin to feel outdated in only a few years to come.
Ceiling fans
While ceiling fans do add an extra upfront cost to your home, they are an excellent energy saving addition. Not only will they save you a lot on your energy bills, but they will help to make your home more comfortable throughout the year. Especially if you are building a two-storey home, consider adding fans to keep the air flowing throughout your home all year round – without the need for the air conditioner.
Closet and cabinet space
“I have too much closet space” said no one, ever! Storage space is essential in every household, so extending cabinets and purchasing built-in wardrobes for your bedrooms will be the investment you thank yourself for later! If you enjoy entertaining, increasing your cabinet size would be worth the expense, as kitchens become a high-traffic zone when entertaining. Larger cabinets also eliminate space where dust can accumulate, and will make the space look taller than it actually is! Also, built-in and walk-in wardrobes add great value to your home if you choose to sell later.
Buying quality appliances can be a big upfront shock to your bank account, but are worth every cent in the long run! By upgrading to more efficient models, your home will consume a smaller amount of energy, and save you money on your energy bills! While appliances with better energy ratings will put you out of pocket short-term, they will certainly save you the big bucks in the long run!
Good insulation is another item that can help save you big on energy bills down the track. Studies have found that well-insulated homes save up to 80% in heating and cooling losses, which translates to enormous amounts of money over the years! Plus, there is the added benefit of being good for the environment by cutting down on energy consumption! There are existing minimum energy efficiency standards for new residential buildings, which your new home is required to comply with, but we also recommend getting the best possible insulation you can afford.
Flooring is the key to the style and feel of your home, so this is definitely an area that is worth the splurge! Wood flooring is classic and never seems to go out of style. If money is tight, focus on the kitchen and living areas only when upgrading your flooring. Choosing the more expensive option of flooring will increase longevity and add to the value of your property.
Electrical Outlets
There’s nothing worse than moving into your new designer home and realising that you’ve missed a key location for an electrical outlet. Power requirements differ for everyone, depending on how you like to use your home, so think carefully about your powerpoint needs before finalising your plans. This is one area not worth skimping on, as the hassle of having a lack of powerpoints far outweighs the minimal cost of installation during your build!